Friday, January 28, 2011


We are officially in limbo until February 17th when Adam is scheduled for what we hope to be his last SA (Semen Analysis).  Until then we still give it the "old college try" every month.  Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky 2 times.  In the mean time, we endure the infamous 2WW (2 Week Wait).  This is the time period after I OV (OVulate).  Each day feels like eternity.  FYI- here is little lesson on how you become officially pregnant.  After ovulation, the fertilized egg will sit in the fallopian tube for 3 days before moving onto the uterus for implantation.  Implantation usually occurs 6 days after fertilization.  After implantation the body will start to produce the HCG hormone.  HCG is the pregnancy hormone and it will double every 24- 48 hours.  HCG is what HPT (Home Pregnancy Tests) will detect.  Anything over 5 mIu is considered pregnant but a normal pregnancy test will usually not detect anything under 25 mIu.  This is why it's best not to test until the end of your cycle.  Good luck making someone who has been TTC (Trying To Conceive) for over 2 years wait to take a HPT.  It's sad to say but there have been some months I have peed on over 10 tests only to find out they were all negative.

Adam and I have been trying to find new hobbies to help us pass this limbo time.  I started sewing pillow case dresses which I am not the best at but slowly learning and getting better as I keep practicing.  My latest creation is shown below.  It also helps when I have a really cute niece as a model.  I have also started working out again.  When you do IF treatments you are on restricted exercise routines so usually I just don't work out.  I didn't realize how bad of shape your body can get in when you take a month off.  I figure getting healthy will also benefit us for our IVF.  Adam and I have also gotten into doing puzzles.  Funny I know.  It helps us to relax and focus on something other than IF(Infertility).  We forgot how fun puzzles can be.  Our neighbors even come over and help us at times.

So far I am not obsessed with this cycle like I have been in the past.  I am much calmer.  I am not sure if it's because I know we have a plan (IVF) or that I just don't want to get upset like I do when we get a BFN (Big Fat Negative) or maybe it's because it has been therapeutic to share our IF journey with all of you.  Thank you all for being so supportive and sending us lots of prayers.  Thank you especially to those who have donated financially.  You have no idea how much that is helping us with IVF. 

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