Monday, January 10, 2011

A Little Background Info

We started TTC (trying to conceive- you will notice I use a lot of acronyms which are listed on the left side of the blog) in September of 2008. After about 9 months of trying, we soon started to realize something was not right. I was put through a battery of blood tests (which were fine), a laparoscopy and Adam was put through his first SA (Semen Analysis) in May 2009. We were informed by my GYN office that Adam's results were normal with a "slight" abnormal morphology. What the doctor neglected to inform us was when she said "slight" she meant 0% normal morphology (which we did not find out until later). Then we started to test/try anything we could that could be a result of us not conceiving. This is what the last 2.5 years have been like for us:

Started TTC in Sept 2008

3/09       Debra had Hysteroscopy with chrompertubation (make sure my tubes were open and drained right ovarian cyst
5/09       Adam has 1st SA
6/09       Debra took Clomid (fertility drug)
7/09       Debra goes through laparoscopy for uterine fibroid
8/09       Debra took Clomid
8/09       Consultation with Urologist (Dr. Thompson)- Adam has a varicocele
8/09       Adam goes through blood testing and another SA
11/09     Consult with new RE (fertility doc) Dr. Moghadam with Jarrett Fertility
12/09     Do our 1st injectible IUI - ends in BFN (Big Fat Negative)
12/09     Adam has another SA- this time it's washed (funny, I know)
1/10 - 4/10    We take a much needed break
4/10       Consultation with new RE at Midwest Fertility (decide to do IVF)
5/10       Find out we spontaneously got pregnant on our own!!!!!
6/10       Miscarried at 9 weeks :( Had a D&C
8/10       Adam has varicocele repair surgery
8/10       Consultation with new RE at Dr. Bonaventura
8/10       Debra has HSG- (the most painful thing in the world!!!!!!)
9/10 - 12/10    Waited for Adam's results from surgery- takes 90 days to make new sperm
10/10     Debra has another laparoscopy and they find stage 1-2 endometriosis
11/10     Consult with new doctor at Midwest
12/10     Do our 2nd injectible IUI- end in another BFN and find out Adam's SA is worse than before his varicocele repair surgery

1/11 Start this blog

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