Friday, January 28, 2011


We are officially in limbo until February 17th when Adam is scheduled for what we hope to be his last SA (Semen Analysis).  Until then we still give it the "old college try" every month.  Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky 2 times.  In the mean time, we endure the infamous 2WW (2 Week Wait).  This is the time period after I OV (OVulate).  Each day feels like eternity.  FYI- here is little lesson on how you become officially pregnant.  After ovulation, the fertilized egg will sit in the fallopian tube for 3 days before moving onto the uterus for implantation.  Implantation usually occurs 6 days after fertilization.  After implantation the body will start to produce the HCG hormone.  HCG is the pregnancy hormone and it will double every 24- 48 hours.  HCG is what HPT (Home Pregnancy Tests) will detect.  Anything over 5 mIu is considered pregnant but a normal pregnancy test will usually not detect anything under 25 mIu.  This is why it's best not to test until the end of your cycle.  Good luck making someone who has been TTC (Trying To Conceive) for over 2 years wait to take a HPT.  It's sad to say but there have been some months I have peed on over 10 tests only to find out they were all negative.

Adam and I have been trying to find new hobbies to help us pass this limbo time.  I started sewing pillow case dresses which I am not the best at but slowly learning and getting better as I keep practicing.  My latest creation is shown below.  It also helps when I have a really cute niece as a model.  I have also started working out again.  When you do IF treatments you are on restricted exercise routines so usually I just don't work out.  I didn't realize how bad of shape your body can get in when you take a month off.  I figure getting healthy will also benefit us for our IVF.  Adam and I have also gotten into doing puzzles.  Funny I know.  It helps us to relax and focus on something other than IF(Infertility).  We forgot how fun puzzles can be.  Our neighbors even come over and help us at times.

So far I am not obsessed with this cycle like I have been in the past.  I am much calmer.  I am not sure if it's because I know we have a plan (IVF) or that I just don't want to get upset like I do when we get a BFN (Big Fat Negative) or maybe it's because it has been therapeutic to share our IF journey with all of you.  Thank you all for being so supportive and sending us lots of prayers.  Thank you especially to those who have donated financially.  You have no idea how much that is helping us with IVF. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Letter to our Baby on What Would be His/Her Birth Day

Dear Baby Lawrence,

Today would have been your unofficial birth day and even though we were never able to hold you we still think of you often.  You were a complete surprise to us and we were so excited because we had already endured a long and bumpy road down IF(infertility).  We were the most wanted baby in the world.  We frequently walk by the room that was to be your nursery and in our minds we try to imagine how we would have decorated it for your special arrival.  Sometimes we feel cheated that God decided to take you from us.   It's hard not to be selfish and want you hear with us but it was not Gods will.  He must have something very special planned for you up in heaven.  We know our grandparents who have passed are hugging and loving you each and every day which is a comfort to us.  

We found out we lost you at 9 weeks but learned that you had quit growing and thriving at 8 weeks.  The day we learned you had left us was the hardest day of our lives.  We cried and cried and cried.  We hope you are doing well and we are happy you are up in heaven.   We are slowly healing our loss of you.  You will never be forgotten.  We love you so much and hope you will send down a little brother or sister for you to watch over.

Mommy and Daddy

A Poem by Gary Winters 

"Little One"
We had wanted you for so very long,
Or so it must have seemed at times.
Now we know we'll have forever,
To keep you in our minds.

On that joyful day when we learned
That you were on your way,
We opened our home and hearts,
And planned for a permanent stay.

We never saw your smile.
We never held your hand.
You never had your birthday.
How can we understand?

To hear you laugh, to dry your tear
To share you life each day
To see the wonder in your eyes
As you find your rightful way.

We're told we should forget you,
"You'll have another some day."
Don't they see the pain we feel,
Is bruised by what they say?

We never saw your smile.
We never held your hand.
You never had a birthday.
Someday we'll understand.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Goodbye to the Finer Things in Life

We are trying to save every last penny we can for IVF.  Adam is working 6 days a week when there is work and some family has offered to pay us for babysitting so it's kind of like taking up a second job.  I/we have decided to say goodbye to shopping, getting my nails done, eating out, going to movies, etc.  Basically if it's not a necessity, it's gone.  Our dinners will be consisting of sandwiches, grilled cheese, soup, and hot dogs for the next couple of months.  It honestly does not bother us because of the purpose behind it.  We even contemplated selling our house and car but with today's economy, we would be losing money, not gaining. 

My mom is wonderful and for an early birthday present for me, she paid for my airline ticket to enjoy a long weekend in Florida in April with her and my 2 awesome sister-in-laws.  A girls weekend.  I have to admit I am already freaking out because it will be the first time Adam and I have been apart since the summer (2008)before we were married.  My hope is that this will be our weekend before starting IVF and the relaxation will be beneficial.

On a side note, we just wanted to say thank you for all of the wonderful and supportive responses.  It has truly been overwhelming.  Please feel free to share our blog with anyone you know that might be going through something similar. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Letter to Friends and Family

Dear Friends and Family,

We know you love us and want us to be happy.  We hope that this will help you understand the pain we are feeling.

A couple is considered infertile after trying for one year.  We are now past the 2.5 year marker.  Every month we wonder whether this is will finally be our month.  If it isn't we wonder if we can munster up the energy to try again.  Infertility is like an open wound that just when it starts to scab over, the scab gets ripped off again.

The truth is, there is practically nothing concrete you can do to help us except, be supportive and understanding or if you would like to help financially, we will accept any donations.  It is hard to ask for help (money) but when you are put in this situation you sometimes have to throw your ego and personal beliefs out the window and accept whatever people are willing to give.  IVF is going to cost us approximately $15k and we have no idea what our outcome will be.  It's literally like walking up to a craps table and throwing down $15k and praying we get the right number.  It scares us to death to not know the outcome. 

With IVF we will endure repeated doctor visits, take daily injections (up to 3-4 shots per day), shuffle work and social schedules to accommodate various procedures, and lay out considerable sums of money we don't have.  All of this is preceded by a battery of diagnostic tests that can be embarrassing and extremely painful.
Then there is the infamous wait to find out if it worked.

While trying to cope with this emotional turmoil, we get invited to baby showers, and we learn that friend after friend and family member is pregnant.  We are approached by beaming new parents who want us to hold and appreciate their baby.  As happy as we truly are for them, inside we are forced to swallow the rock in our throats, ignore the pit in our stomachs, and fight off the tears until we are alone and can let it out without being embarrassed by our emotions.  Trying to imagine our envy, our rage over the inequalities in life must be difficult.  Infertility fills practically every facet of our existence.

Just as an ordinary room can be an obstacle to a blind person, so can the everyday world be full of hazards for infertile couples--hazards which do not exist for men and women with children.  The mall, restaurants, pretty much any public place where kids might be has become a place of avoidance.  Going to a baby shower is painful but so is distracting ourselves from social occasions celebrated by our friends and family.  Christmas is an example of the many holidays that are particularly painful/difficult for us.  They are not only a reminder of what we don't have but also mark a passage of time.  We remember what came to mind last Christmas- that the next year we would have a new son or daughter to share with our family.  Each holiday presents its own unique burden.  Valentines Day reminds us of our romance, love, marriage, commitment- and the family we may never be able to create.  Halloween is a reminder of the costume we may never buy.  Mother's Day and Father's Day ....their difficulties are obvious.

Everyday activities like a walk down the street or going to the shopping mall are packed with land mines.  Seeing women pushing strollers or a father outside playing with his son strikes a raw nerve.  While watching TV, we are bombarded by commercials for diapers, baby food, and pregnancy tests.  We are constantly being asked how long we've been married and whether we have any kids?  We feel like running out of the room but we can't.  If we talk about being infertile we are likely to get the words that sound like nails on a chalkboard, "just relax, don't worry- it will happen soon", or "you're lucky, I've had it with my kids.  I wish I had your freedom."  These are the kinds of comments that make us want to crawl under the nearest rock and die.

Because we are infertile, life is extremely stressful.  We are doing our best to cope.  Please be understanding.  Sometimes we will be depressed.  Sometimes we will be angry.  Sometimes we will be physically and emotionally exhausted and sometimes we will be incapable of being around babies/kids.  We are not the same D & A we used to be.  We don't want to do many things we used to do.  The only way we can begin to describe our pain is to have others look at their joy.  Think of the joy that you have felt when you found out you were pregnant, when you heard the heart beat for the first time, when you felt your baby kick, when you experienced the miracle of birth, or saw your child take their first steps....take all of that happiness and turn it around so it's the exact same intensity but instead in pain.

We have no idea when or if our problem will be solved.  We are going to test Adam one more time at his 6 month surgery anniversary to confirm our decision to proceed with our one and only chance at IVF.  We have no idea of the probability of success. 

Hopefully our IVF will be successful.  Or maybe someday we will give up on having children and just learn how to live childless.  At present we have no idea what our future holds.  After reading this letter we hope you have a better understanding of how hard this is for us.  The most important thing to remember is please listen to what we have to say and don't judge us.  Do not belittle our feelings.  Please don't try to pretend that everything will be okay, because we don't know if it will or not.  Infertile couples feel cut off from other people, but your ability to listen and support us will help us to handle the stress we're experiencing.  We love you and appreciate all you do for us.


Debra and Adam

Friday, January 14, 2011

Coming Up On Our Due Date

January 27, 2011 would have been our due date.  As it approaches so does the memory of what we went through.  We were so surprised and elated to learn we were pregnant on May 18th.  We had met with our new RE in April and were ready to do IVF the following month.  It was like God sent us a sign.  We were getting ready to sign our life away into debt and then all of a sudden there is a little bean looking object in my belly.  Something we had been praying and trying for for over 2 years.  We were planning which bedroom would be the nursery and how we would arrange it, paint it, etc.  Then at 9 weeks we learn our little bean's heart quit beating at 7 weeks 5 days.  It was unbearable to think that there was a dead baby inside of me.  All I could think about was getting it out.  My OB was awesome and immediately got me in for a D&C.  That was probably the worst day of our lives.  We had to say goodbye to something we had tried for so long to have and now it was gone, just in the blink of an eye.  So here we are 9 months later with still nothing to show for it except a few black and white ultrasound pictures.  Instead we are trying to figure out how we will ever be able to afford IVF.  It's also hard to understand why we have to pay for a baby when women all over the world don't have to pay a dime to get pregnant and it's hard to spend $15k when we were pregnant once before.  Could it happen again?  I guess anything is possible but mentally I don't think I could wait another 2 years for it to happen again and my OB even said it could have been a 1 time thing and it may not ever happen again.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Suffering in Silence

Not many people know or can understand what we go through on a daily or even minute by minute basis.  We are physically and mentally consumed by IF.  I am either peeing on a stick everyday morning waiting for the "go ahead", running to a doctor appointment, or researching new treatments, drugs, etc.    There is not a day that goes by that we don't hear that someone is now pregnant, or someone had their baby, or see about 300 pregnant women when we go out in public.  It's like they look for us and follow us around where ever we go.  OK- so not really but some days that is what it feels like.  I (Debra) have lost several friends through IF.  Sometimes I will admit it is hard to hear that a friend is pregnant or had her baby but it hurts me more that they would think I don't care and wouldn't be happy for them.  I tell Adam, it's like I have a contagious disease and all pregnant women must stay away or risk becoming infertile too.  So I'm being a little sarcastic but I am also trying to show you how we suffer everyday from this.  I will admit, baby showers are the one thing I stay away from.  I could probably go but I would ruin it for the person having the shower because I would be the one in the corner crying the entire time.  I have found that it is best to just send a gift and wish them congratulations. 

I do attend and now lead the national infertility group RESOLVE here in Indianapolis.  It has been the most therapeutic thing for me.  It meets once a month and there are the most amazing group of ladies who attend.  They have become such good friends of mine and I look forward to a day that we can all "graduate" and move on with a baby in our arms or our belly.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Little Background Info

We started TTC (trying to conceive- you will notice I use a lot of acronyms which are listed on the left side of the blog) in September of 2008. After about 9 months of trying, we soon started to realize something was not right. I was put through a battery of blood tests (which were fine), a laparoscopy and Adam was put through his first SA (Semen Analysis) in May 2009. We were informed by my GYN office that Adam's results were normal with a "slight" abnormal morphology. What the doctor neglected to inform us was when she said "slight" she meant 0% normal morphology (which we did not find out until later). Then we started to test/try anything we could that could be a result of us not conceiving. This is what the last 2.5 years have been like for us:

Started TTC in Sept 2008

3/09       Debra had Hysteroscopy with chrompertubation (make sure my tubes were open and drained right ovarian cyst
5/09       Adam has 1st SA
6/09       Debra took Clomid (fertility drug)
7/09       Debra goes through laparoscopy for uterine fibroid
8/09       Debra took Clomid
8/09       Consultation with Urologist (Dr. Thompson)- Adam has a varicocele
8/09       Adam goes through blood testing and another SA
11/09     Consult with new RE (fertility doc) Dr. Moghadam with Jarrett Fertility
12/09     Do our 1st injectible IUI - ends in BFN (Big Fat Negative)
12/09     Adam has another SA- this time it's washed (funny, I know)
1/10 - 4/10    We take a much needed break
4/10       Consultation with new RE at Midwest Fertility (decide to do IVF)
5/10       Find out we spontaneously got pregnant on our own!!!!!
6/10       Miscarried at 9 weeks :( Had a D&C
8/10       Adam has varicocele repair surgery
8/10       Consultation with new RE at Dr. Bonaventura
8/10       Debra has HSG- (the most painful thing in the world!!!!!!)
9/10 - 12/10    Waited for Adam's results from surgery- takes 90 days to make new sperm
10/10     Debra has another laparoscopy and they find stage 1-2 endometriosis
11/10     Consult with new doctor at Midwest
12/10     Do our 2nd injectible IUI- end in another BFN and find out Adam's SA is worse than before his varicocele repair surgery

1/11 Start this blog