Monday, February 14, 2011

Update on Adam Tracking my Cycle and Other Random Things

So far I have not calculated what day of my cycle I am on or even sneaked a peak at the test strips.  Each morning Adam turns on the Ovulation Predictor Monitor and dictates what I need to do that morning.  I have to admit this is working out wonderfully.  I would be lying if I said I haven't been tempted to do the math or turn on the monitor to see what day I am on or how many bars are on there but then I keep thinking about how nice it is not to be all stressed out.

On a side note we wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.  We have chose not to celebrate this year to help save money.  We will be dining on left overs this evening and watching whatever is on the TV and working on our puzzle.  At least we can celebrate together, that is what is important. 

One last thing- Adam and I are very blessed with all the prayers you all are saying for us.  We are asking that you add some very special friends of ours into your prayers.  They are going through a really tough time right now and could use some extra prayers.  Thanks!

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