Monday, January 2, 2012

7 weeks old

Reagan has been sleeping through the night now for over 3 weeks.  We are implementing "Baby Wise" and it is wonderful!  She goes to bed or I should say she puts herself to bed around 10:30pm and I either wake her up to start her day at 6:30am or she wakes up around 6:15-6:30.  She is also starting to smile and coo which just melts our hearts!  We had to have her tongue clipped on Friday and which I think was harder on Adam and I than it was on Reagan.  We heard screams come out of her that we have never heard before or ever want to hear again.  I had tears rolling down my cheeks and poor Adam was trying to keep cool since he was the one having to hold her while the doctor did it.  If you don't know what tongue tied means it is where that little piece under your tongue is not long enough so the doctor has to cut it.  If the baby is young enough they just put some topical numbing cream on it and use scissors to cut it.  Poor Reagan had a rough day but she is now back to her normal self.  I am still on maternity leave this week and then I go back to work on the 9th.  I am dreading this because I have a hard enough time leaving her for only an hour.

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