Monday, May 9, 2011

Not too Much to Report

Things have been pretty uneventful lately except we have officially entered the 2nd trimester.  I am now 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  I listen to the baby's heartbeat every night before bedtime.  It's funny because I swear this kid tries to show off when I use the Doppler.  I can almost always find the heartbeat right away in the evening time and it is loud!  I was in our bedroom upstairs and Adam was downstairs at the kitchen table and could hear the heartbeat.  Now if I try to find the heartbeat in the morning it is much difficult.  To help keep my sanity I usually just wait until bedtime.  I don't want to cause any more worry than I already have.  I am SLOWLY starting to accept this might actually be the real thing.

My morning sickness is starting to wear off.  I only occasionally have the queasiness.  My energy is slowly coming back too.  I am starting to allow myself to do things like mow the grass (which I really enjoy), plant my flowers, clean my house, etc.  I am slowly breaking out the maternity clothes.  Thank God for sister-in-laws who are done having babies!  I have had some good hand me downs. 

Mother's Day was a little easier this year for me compared to the last few years.  It was still hard in the aspect that I have so many friends that are still facing Infertility and I know how hard Mother's Day is for them and I just wanted to take their pain away. I said prayers for all of them.  I don't have Internet at home so I was not able to post this until now.......

"This Mother's Day, look around...Sitting in a chair or pew is a hurting woman who wants to celebrate the day, but is struggling with the pain of infertility. If you are a mother, it is a day to celebrate and be honored. But in your time of celebration and giving thanks to God for the blessings of your children, whisper a prayer for the other women - those with empty arms because of infertility..." - Dr. Linda Mintle

Please don't ever forget about those who want nothing more to be a mother or father but are still facing this horrible disease called infertility.

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