Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Belly Shots at 16 weeks

We took our first belly shots this past sunday which marked 16 weeks for me. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Monthly Check Up 5/19

I went in for my monthly check up on Thursday and even though I didn't get to see the baby, the appointment turned out to be pretty informative.  I only gained 1 lb since my last appointment, which surprisingly the doctor was a little upset about it because she wanted me to gain more.  I don't see that being a problem in the future....LOL  I also learned that I will be having a c-section.  I was told to plan on around November 7th.  The actual date will be scheduled at my next appointment on June 16th.  At that appointment we will find out the sex of the baby (yeah!) and schedule my c-section. The doctor wants to see the size of the baby to make sure my due date is not ahead or behind schedule.  She will do the c-section no later than 39 weeks.   My doctor did the Doppler and we heard the baby's heartbeat which was 160bpm.  My doctor said everything looks good.  Whew!  Now the dreaded 4 week wait starts again......

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And the Nesting Begins.........

Last weekend Adam and I started the nesting process thanks to the beautiful weather we had (j/k) and the fact that our neighborhood is having a garage sale in 2 1/2 weeks.  We figured we would take advantage of the timing.  We cleaned out the room that will be the nursery and have decided how to decorate/paint it.  I have the bedding already (b/c is it on back order for months and I got lucky and found a website with 1 in stock) so we are ready to start.  I went with a gender neutral bedding because I am not a fan of "theme" rooms or all pink, blue, or purple rooms.  The walls will be the green color in the bedding.

We will do white wainscotings up the wall but it will be 4ft tall instead of the standard 3ft (which is what is shown in the picture) with a chair rail.  We will also go with white furniture.  I am reusing a dresser from when I was kid since it is real wood and very durable. 

I go to the doctor on Thursday for my monthly check up.  I will keep you all posted on how things go.  I don't get an ultrasound, just the doppler again and probably some blood work.  Not a very exciting appt.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Not too Much to Report

Things have been pretty uneventful lately except we have officially entered the 2nd trimester.  I am now 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  I listen to the baby's heartbeat every night before bedtime.  It's funny because I swear this kid tries to show off when I use the Doppler.  I can almost always find the heartbeat right away in the evening time and it is loud!  I was in our bedroom upstairs and Adam was downstairs at the kitchen table and could hear the heartbeat.  Now if I try to find the heartbeat in the morning it is much difficult.  To help keep my sanity I usually just wait until bedtime.  I don't want to cause any more worry than I already have.  I am SLOWLY starting to accept this might actually be the real thing.

My morning sickness is starting to wear off.  I only occasionally have the queasiness.  My energy is slowly coming back too.  I am starting to allow myself to do things like mow the grass (which I really enjoy), plant my flowers, clean my house, etc.  I am slowly breaking out the maternity clothes.  Thank God for sister-in-laws who are done having babies!  I have had some good hand me downs. 

Mother's Day was a little easier this year for me compared to the last few years.  It was still hard in the aspect that I have so many friends that are still facing Infertility and I know how hard Mother's Day is for them and I just wanted to take their pain away. I said prayers for all of them.  I don't have Internet at home so I was not able to post this until now.......

"This Mother's Day, look around...Sitting in a chair or pew is a hurting woman who wants to celebrate the day, but is struggling with the pain of infertility. If you are a mother, it is a day to celebrate and be honored. But in your time of celebration and giving thanks to God for the blessings of your children, whisper a prayer for the other women - those with empty arms because of infertility..." - Dr. Linda Mintle

Please don't ever forget about those who want nothing more to be a mother or father but are still facing this horrible disease called infertility.