Adam and I have been watching every penny we spend and even though we cut our spending by 75% last month, yes that's right 75% we still need some help/advice as to what else we can do to help save. We don't have what we need yet for IVF and don't know what else we can do.
We have stopped eating out and started clipping coupons. Our dinners at least 3 times a week consist of hot dogs and chicken nuggests. We are being very frugal on things we have to buy. We even car pooled to Adams parents house last weekend to help out with gas cost (thanks Matt and Tori). We keep our thermostat at 60 degrees when we are not home and 65-67 degrees when we are home. We are using our tax rebate checks to help but are still waiting on them. We do not go shopping for clothes, we are only allowed to buy the necessaties such as toiletries. I would love to sell a few things on craigslist or ebay but we don't have internet at the house and do not want to get it due to the added expense. We would more than likely be put into a year contract which would then be an added expense for at least a year. We talked about selling the house but with the housing market the way it is, we would lose money. The same thing with my car, I don't owe too much more on (we purchased not leased) it so it would be stupid to sell it at this point. Plus if the IVF does work and I get pregnant we need reliable transportation. Our family has also started paying us for babysitting our nieces and nephew which has helped out a lot. Thank you to all who have also donated. You have no idea what that means to us.
So here is where you all come in. We need any suggestions on ways we can save and save big. I would be willing to get a 2nd job but the problem with that is I will need to take a lot of time off around the time we do IVF since you are put on best rest and if I do get pregnant, I would not be able to work that much.
This probably a last resort type of way to make extra money but you can sell plasma, I think if you are able to (I know some people can't do it) as often as they allow you, you can make around $400/month.
Have you asked your parents for financial help....
I'm sure they could do something
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