Friday, April 29, 2011


Many of you have asked will we find out the sex of the baby- the answer is yes.  I am way too much of a planner for those who know me.  We should be able to find out the sex some time in mid/late June.  I am hoping that we might be lucky enough to find out on my birthday, which is June 13th.  I think it still might be a little too early because I would only be in my 18th week and I think they like to wait until you are 20 weeks.  We should be scheduling that appointment when I go May 19th. 

We are fine sharing the names we have picked out.  Our boys name has stayed the same since we started trying.  If it's a boy we will name him Carter Levi.  Levi is Adam's middle name.  The girl name has changed since we started trying.  We originally wanted Olivia Mae but it has been taken so we changed our girls name to Reagan Nicole.  Nicole is my sister-in-laws name.  Adam came up with Reagan and is very proud of it.  It is growing on me.  I personally like Annabelle but the fact that Adam is so passionate about it it makes me like Reagan even more.

On a side note my Doppler arrived yesterday.  I was quick to open it and show Adam how it worked.  It took a few minutes to find the baby's heartbeat but we heard it plain and clear.  There is nothing more soothing than hearing the sound of your baby's heartbeat.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 22nd Doctor Appt. and Other Things

Not too much to report.  It seems I have graduated from having weekly ultrasounds to now having the Doppler which is not near as much fun.  My OB put the Doppler on my belly and then we heard the most wonderful sound in the world, a strong heartbeat of 178 bpm.  I was a little leery of the Doppler so I started to ask my OB questions like, "how do you know that is the baby's heartbeat and not mine?".  My OB went over how to use the Doppler and how to make sure I am not hearing my own heartbeat which by the way is not 178 bpm, but more like 60-70 bpm.  I guess that is pretty obvious....LOL  I went ahead and rented a Doppler so Adam and I can hear the heartbeat whenever we start to feel a little anxious.  I am still waiting on it to get here.  I hope to have it by the end of the week.  It's a fancier model so we will be able to record the heartbeat on to a CD.  My next OB appointment is not for 4 weeks, May 19th.  I hope I can make it that long. 

I am finally ready to give up what I consider my fertility security blanket, the ovulation predictor monitor.  I have a dear friend loan me hers for almost 2 years. Today I am mailing it back to her.  This is a big step for me.  I am starting to realize this pregnancy could be real.

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 13th

Last Wednesday, April 13th, was a scary day for us.  I woke up without morning sickness and no appetite which is the complete opposite of what every day is like for me.  First thought that came to my head, disappearing symptoms, which means the start of a miscarriage.  I called my OB first thing in the morning and they wanted to see me since I was getting on a plane in less than 24hours for a long weekend.  Adam met me at the doctors office and we saw a perfectly measuring baby with a strong heartbeat of 183bpm.  Whew!!!!  I thought the heartbeat seemed high but the lil one was doing the gig in my belly and the ultrasound tech said their heart rate can increase if they are more active.  It was an amazing sight.  I was able to relax and enjoy my little mini vacation to Florida.  I am still scheduled for other ultrasound with my OB on Friday.  Here is the most recent picture of our little miracle.

Here is a really short video but you can see baby moving all around.

PS.  I am officially 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant today. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 8th Ultrasound

We are now officially 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant today.  We went in for an ultrasound last Friday and our OB was so excited to see to us.  The baby measured perfectly and had a heartbeat of 174 bpm.  The lil one even decided to show off by moving all around and waving it's arms all over the place.  It was surreal.  I don't think it has kicked in yet that we are actually having a baby.  Part of me is still preparing for the worst.  I just hope this feeling will soon go away.  Here is our latest ultrasound picture.  (Sorry it is not that great.  The baby was moving around so much it was hard to get a still shot.)  Our next ultrasound is in 2 weeks, April 22nd.  My OB is keeping a close watch on me.  She is awesome!!!

Thank you for all of your prayers!